Level 1 Stars and Stripes Sport Testing is used to benchmark athletes for all sports. This is considered the "Generally Accepted Athletic Skills" "GAAS" for assessing athletes of all ages and all sports. The ability to accurately test athletes across the country on a process that can be duplicated weighs in on this approach. The GAAS provides a very accurate view into the athleticism of a athlete and when compared to other athletes within his/her particular sport, one can get a great idea of how that athlete is matching up on a Local, State, Regional and National Level. The results from Level 1 Testing can be used to guide an athlete and allow them to make decisions in their development. Recognizing weakness and strengths gives the athlete the opportunity to measure progression and to see how they are keeping pace with other athletes. A athlete should test a minimum of three times a year and measure progression using this data in conjunction with a Sports Performance Professional who can assign and monitor proper training . It is proven the better the athelte becomes in athleticsm the better he/she will perform at their perspective skill.
Level 3 is a Skill Competition among athletes performing their necessary skills in specific "Play" in a game like manner. Specific to a position and specific plays requiring testing of various plays , this process allows the ability to better project an athlete at their position at the highest levels. Level Three Testing will require execution of a skill while under pressure and when competing against another athlete similars in GAAS Scoring.